Roomies: Apartment Living with a Pet

Roomies: Apartment Living with a Pet

In recent years, the number of people living in apartments has increased dramatically, with over 10% of Americans calling an apartment home. We believe that everyone should have access to a pet - and if you plan ahead, a surprising number of pets can be pawfectly happy living in an apartment.

  1. Is your apartment pet friendly?

There are many environmental factors that need to be taken into consideration to keep your pet safe, happy and healthy when living in an apartment. You may want to consider finding a ground floor apartment for you and your pet or weigh up the pros and cons of whether it is safe to have your pet in a high-rise environment. You may also want to consider how big your apartment is because just like humans, pets also require their own space and a place that they can call their own.

  1. Is your pet the right fit for apartment living?

It is also important to consider whether an apartment lifestyle is suitable for your pet. The size of your pet can be a factor in whether they will be comfortable in an apartment, but your pet’s temperament is paramount! If you have a highly energetic pet that requires lots of attention, you will need to have plenty of high quality toys to keep your pet entertained. A bored pet is a naughty pet! There are plenty of toys out there, like the Rufus Junior Toy that can keep your pet entertained for hours by storing treats in its belly. 

  1. Be considerate

Living in an apartment means that your neighbours will be living very close to you and your fur baby. You need to be considerate of your neighbours and prioritise training your pet to make sure that everyone can live harmoniously and peacefully together.

  1. Cleaning up…

Living in close quarters with your pet is very rewarding but can also be, smelly. The best way to avoid accidents happening in your home is to commit to training your little mate from a young age to avoid your home becoming smelly and unhygienic. If you have a puppy, toilet training can be made easier with Rufus & Coco’s Pee Pads & Pee Here drops to teach your newest addition where to go. If you have a cat, Rufus & Coco Wee Kitty Litter is perfect for people living in apartments. Made from corn, it has superior odour control, has very little dust and is flushable. For when accidents do happen, Rufus & Coco also have a great range of quality cleaning products to help you clean up!

  1. Back to nature

As your pet will be spending a lot of time indoors, it’s important to take your pet outside when you can. Even cats can learn to be comfortable in a harness, like the Soft Mesh Harness available from Rufus & Coco. When your pet is indoors, be mindful of the temperature within your apartment, you want your pet to be comfortable and not too hot or cold. Also make sure that there is plenty of natural light in your apartment for your pet to enjoy, that fresh water is readily available and maybe even invest in some pet-friendly indoor plants to really bring the outdoors in!

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